What a farce! So today the Senate changes its mind and passes a 6 month temporary delay to the scheduled medicare fee reduction and to make you forget that you have not been paid since June 1st they propose a raise of 2.2%. This measure still has to pass the house so do not get your hopes too high!
Just read the news, "Senate Rejects "Doc Fix," Medicare fees cut 21%. At least this means that CMS will start processing claims again even if it is at the lower rate. I know in our small office some money is better than no money. Seriously, I wonder what this will do to small, rural, heavily medicare populated practices. With a medicare population of 50 to 60% it is going to be very difficult to live with a 21% reduction particularly when your other main source of insurance is medicaid! The long term consequences could be very negative. I believe that we need to continue to pressure our Senators and Representatives to revisit this issue, and to do it soon. I have been encouraging patients as well as medical staff to contact their respective elected representatives and tell them exactly how this is going to impact their lives. Hopefully, with continued pressure some relief can come. In the mean time, now is the time to revisit our budgets.
I have spent the last 20 years managing medical offices, keeping them running and making them as efficient as possibe in our every changing world. When I started there was no way to know what to do so you "learned" from the "old-timers." I learned more insurance information from Mary at Dr. S's office than I imagined and it has stayed with me even now. So the purpose of this blog is to pass on information concerning managing a medical office to others. If you find yourself in need of more information, contact me for a "Practice" consult.